Simple Up/Down Fading LED Circuit using NE555

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A simple up/down fading LED circuit using the NE555 timer IC is a popular electronics project for beginners and hobbyists. The NE555 is a versatile timer chip that can be configured in various modes, including astable mode, where it continuously oscillates between high and low states. In this circuit, the NE555 generates a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signal to control the brightness of an LED. By gradually increasing and decreasing the duty cycle of the PWM signal, the LED fades in and out, creating a smooth dimming effect.

The circuit typically includes basic components like resistors, capacitors, and transistors, along with the NE555 timer and an LED. Adjustments to component values can control the speed and smoothness of the fading effect. This project is a great way to learn about PWM, timers, and LED control, offering both practical skills and a visually appealing result.

Component Details:

S.noComponentsValue Qty.
1.Time ICNE5551
3.Resistor47K, 220 Ohm1, 1

NE555 Pinout:

Circuit Diagram:

Circuit Explanation:

This fading LED circuit uses an NE555 timer in astable mode and a BC547 transistor for current amplification. A 47kΩ resistor controls the charging rate of a 100µF capacitor, which determines the LED's fade timing. The capacitor charges and discharges, modulating the brightness of the LED. A 220Ω resistor limits the current through the LED to prevent damage. The BC547 transistor drives the LED with sufficient current from the NE555’s output. As the capacitor charges, the LED brightens, and as it discharges, the LED dims, creating a smooth fading effect.


  1. Visual Effects: Used in decorative lighting, ambient lighting systems, and mood lamps to create a smooth and calming visual effect.
  2. Indicator Lights: Can be used as status indicators in electronics, such as power-on indicators that slowly fade in and out.
  3. Breathing LED Effect: Commonly used in gadgets, gaming consoles, and computers to give a "breathing" effect to LEDs, enhancing aesthetic appeal.
  4. PWM Control: Demonstrates pulse width modulation, useful in learning and understanding how PWM can control brightness in LEDs or even motor speeds.



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