Mini Tesla Coil Circuit


    We are living in a world where wires are decreasing day by day. And, it just did not happen instantly but it was a dream of someone. Nikola Tesla invented the Tesla coil for that purpose in the year 1891. And now after so many years, these coils are still a part of so many great inventions. And it’s not wrong to say that it’s a part of our daily gadgets, laptops, remote controls, and even smartphones that use this amazing coil. One of the greatest facts is that it doesn’t use heavy or complex circuitry and thus it’s easy to make. So let’s make a “Mini tesla coil Circuit” in this tutorial.

    Hardware Required

    1. BD243 Transistor
    2.  2.2k Resistor
    3. Diode 1n4007
    4. 12v Power
    5. 320 turn and 3 turn Insulated Coper Wire

    Circuit Diagram

    Application and Uses

    1. For spark plug ignition
    2. To produce artificial lights
    3. In vacuum system.
    4. Applications that need to produce high voltages at low currents can use this.
    5. Some new inventions of smartphones that have built-in functions of wireless charging

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